5 shocking details about Shauna Tiaffay’s murder

Shauna Tiaffay, a 46-year-old Las Vegas strip mixed drink server and furthermore a mother-of-one, was pounded into the ground with a sledge a long time back, in 2012, inside her rural condo. She was violently gone after by a man hanging tight for her appearance in the early morning long periods of September 29 while her eight-year-old little girl was at her grandma’s.

Tiaffay’s alienated and regarded fireman spouse George was at last sentenced for the situation, alongside a vagrant and ex-con named Noel Stevens he supposedly employed to carry out the wrongdoing. A line of proof, including a couple of blood-covered pants, telephone records, and a tip, drove specialists to the culprits.

An impending episode of Oxygen’s Dateline: Mysteries Uncovered will narrative Shauna Tiaffay’s case in an episode named Under a Full Moon, which re-airs this Thursday, February 2, 2024, at 7:00 pm ET. The rundown for the episode states:

“At the point when investigators track down the enemy of a Las Vegas mixed drink server and mother, obviously the examination has recently started.”
This article will additionally dig into a couple of key subtleties from the homicide case.

Shauna Tiaffay case: Five speedy realities to be familiar with the homicide of the Las Vegas mixed drink waitress1) Shauna Tiaffay’s home was broken into in the weeks paving the way to her homicide

In 2012, Shauna Tiaffay, 46, who filled in as a mixed drink server at the well known Palms Lodging Gambling club on the Las Vegas strip, was living in a different condo situated in the Summerlin suburb of Las Vegas after her union with her fireman spouse George Tiaffay became stressed. The two common authority of their eight-year-old little girl, Madison.

In any case, toward the beginning of September, somebody broke into her loft and took her wedding band — an episode that shook her from within.

2) Shauna’s gravely beaten body and the crime location at her loft were found by the alienated spouse George

Shauna Tiaffay was gone after during the early morning long periods of September 29, 2012, after she got back after working all day. Reports expressed that a man was at that point holding up inside her home when she showed up. He then, at that point, went after her utilizing a sledge and possibly brought when she was to an abrupt halt. The assault occurred half a month after the break-in episode.

Her little girl Madison, who went through the night at her grandma’s, was gotten by George the next morning and made a beeline for Shauna’s. He then, at that point, found her body, as well as the frightful crime location, and called 911.

As per the Mirror, in the emergency call made that morning, George Tiaffay apparently said,

“I assume I want to report a break-in and a murder.”3) A strong tip drove specialists to a weird vagrant who then admitted to the homicide

Specialists at first thought Shauna’s alienated spouse, George Tiaffay, as the executioner. In any case, he gave a strong justification, guaranteeing that he was on a 24-hour shift at the fire station prior to getting their girl. Specialists thusly got a basic hint from a that his man companion Noel Stevens, an ex-con living external the city in a tent, had admitted to killing a lady with a mallet.

At the point when specialists captured him, they researched the region close to the tent where he resided and found some his jeans that were shrouded in Shauna’s blood. They likewise found a scanner tag sticker that matched one for a mallet, the thought deadly weapon. Noel at last conceded to killing Shauna at the police headquarters.

4) Specialists had the option to draw joins between Noel Stevens and George Tiaffay utilizing telephone records

Upon assessment, specialists tracked down a contact under the name George on Noel’s telephone. At the point when asked what that’s identity was, that’s what he expressed “that is my companion the fireman.” It was in the end uncovered that George Tiaffay had gotten to know Noel Stevens. Telephone records additionally uncovered that the two men had been in consistent touch in the days paving the way to Shauna’s homicide.

It was affirmed that George convinced Noel to kill his alienated spouse, Shauna Tiaffay, by promising him cash in return. In conclusion, specialists likewise found CCTV film of the two suspects together looking for the deadly weapon, a mallet.

5) Shauna Tiaffay’s alienated spouse George was charged and sentenced in her homicide

Noel Stevens, the revealed assassin in Shauna’s homicide case, confessed in 2013 to keep away from capital punishment and, surprisingly, agreed to affirm against George Tiaffay, who resolvedly kept up with his guiltlessness. Before his capture, George even got into an auto crash while endeavoring to escape. Specialists asserted that the episode was an endeavor to die by self destruction.

In 2015, George was seen as at real fault for first-degree murder and trick to carry out murder by a jury after Noel gave itemized declaration pretty much all that happened that at last finished with Shauna Tiaffay’s merciless homicide. The dad of-one was condemned to life in jail without the chance of parole. In the mean time, the contract killer was condemned to 42 years to life in jail.

