Joshua Ledet (born April 9, 1992) is a singer from Westlake, Louisiana, who is based in the United States. A year later, he finished third in the eleventh season of the American Idol competition. In addition to his “soaring, church-bred style of old school soul music,” he is renowned for other things. On August 26, 2013, he published an original song titled “Here to Die” on YouTube, which has received positive reviews from publications such as Rolling Stone.
Joshua Ledet Net Worth : $ 0.9 Million
Lets check out updated 2021 Joshua Ledet Net Worth Income Salary report which is given below :
Joshua Ledet ‘s Salary / Income:
Per Year: $ 4,00,000
Per Month: $ 32,000
Per Week: $ 8,000
Per Day: | Per Hour: | Per Minute: | Per Second: |
$ 1140 | $ 19 | $ 0.3 | $ 0.05 |
Joshua Ledet Wiki
Joshua Ledet FAQ
- How did Joshua Ledet get so rich?
- What is Joshua Ledet Earning per day ?
- Lets check out Joshua Ledet Wife / Husand Net Worth ?
- How much does Joshua Ledet make per day?
- How much Joshua Ledet Net Worth ?
- How Joshua Ledet become rich ?
- How does Joshua Ledet make money ?
- What is Joshua Ledet Income ?
- How much Joshua Ledet Salary ?
- How old is Joshua Ledet Age ?
- How tall is Joshua Ledet Height ?