How to clean septum piercing

How do I clean my septum piercing at home?

How do you clean your nose with a septum piercing?

It’s important that you clean your septum piercing twice a day using a saline solution.


  • Dissolve ¼ of a teaspoon of non-iodized sea salt in a cup of warm bottled water.
  • Use cotton pads or q-tips soaked in the mixture to clean your septum piercing.
  • Dry using a clean towel that won’t shed its fibers.
  • How long do you have to clean a septum piercing?

    While septum piercings take six to eight months to fully heal, you only need to follow a strict cleaning regimen for about a month. During this time, do a sea salt soak three times per day. During this time, you should also minimize contact with the piercing and keep creams and makeup away from your face.

    Do septum piercings get infected easily?

    Septum piercings have the same risks as most piercings, but some are more serious than others. Septums are not as likely to get infected as most piercings as there is plenty of mucous membranes (yuck) to fight off infections in your nose. Try to avoid these touching your septum if you can.

    Can I flip my septum on the first day?

    If you get pierced with a traditional circular barbell (aka horseshoe) you can flip it up the same day and it shouldn’t be visible. It’s typically okay to flip a fresh septum piercing up and down 2–3 times a day even from day one, so you don’t have to keep it up 24/7 for any period of time.

    What piercings reject the most?

    What piercings reject the most? Surface piercings have the highest rejection rate. Surface piercings such as microdermals as well as eyebrow piercings and navel piercings reject the most because they are closest to the surface of the skin.

    Can septum piercings go wrong?

    While rare, septal hematoma is the most serious potential danger of a septum piercing, which can cause difficulty breathing and even potential facial deformity.

    Is it normal for your septum piercing to hurt?

    Septum piercings take about 2 to 3 months to heal. The septum is a thin layer of skin, nerves, and blood vessels between your two nostrils. It’s delicate and usually hurts more than a nostril piercing. However, it heals quickly because there’s less tissue for your body to reconstruct.

    How long will septum piercing be sore?

    Following a Septum Piercing session, the entire nose remains tender for nearly 2 to 3 weeks. A minor brush to the nose can be hurtful. People with a pierced septum need to remain careful for about a month.

    Why do septum piercings smell?

    During the healing process, your body will naturally secrete a pus-like substance called ‘sebum’. Sebum by itself is odorless, but when mixed with deceased skin cells, bacteria, and dried blood, can smell like stinky cheese. Also known as ‘septum funk’, a smelly septum piercing won’t last forever.

    How do you hide a septum piercing when healing?

    Should I flip my septum up at night?

    Yes! That’s one of the best things about this piercing- it can be flipped up while healing. Remember to always wash your hands and piercing well before and after flipping it up, and don’t sleep with it flipped (unless you are wearing a retainer).

    How soon can I flip my septum up?

    You should leave a new septum piercing alone for 6-8 weeks before changing or flipping up the jewelry. If you have to hide your piercing before then, we recommend visiting your piercer to have them help you move it or change to a retainer to help avoid irritation and infection.

    What does a septum piercing say about you?

    A septum piercing is associated with people who want to set themselves apart. Whether other people will like them for it, they wouldn’t really care. To this end, people with septum rings end up appearing as rebels without a care in the world, and any efforts to rein them in will simply result in a clash.

    What does a septum nose ring mean on a woman?

    Depending in the region, septum nose rings symbolize a woman being of age to marry. Throughout history both men and women have used jewelry not just as a way to decorate themselves but also as a status symbol.

    Is septum piercing unprofessional?

    1. Being told your piercing is unprofessional. For that, I find that the septum piercing is one of the most professional “unprofessionalpiercing to have. As long as you’re wearing a horseshoe ring, you can always flip it up into your nostril where nobody can see it.

    What does the Bible say about piercings?

    “You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the deceased, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the Lord,” Leviticus 19:28. This verse is often used as an argument to tell Christians to abstain from tattoos. However, let’s look at this. It’s important to look at the context of this passage.

    Is piercing a sin in Islam?

    Piercings of any type are Haram (forbidden) on Men, as adornment by jewellery is only allowed for women. So no piercings for men. Women: Piercings for women are allowed, on places like ears and nose, to wear jewellery, As gold and adornment are allowed for women.

    Is it a sin to believe in zodiac signs?

    There is a Christian version of the Zodiac, it has nothing to do with predicting things but comes to us from the most ancient civilizations. Yes, Zodiac signs are sinful.

