How to pronounce conch

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Is Conch pronounced conk?

Conch has two different pronunciations that are both widely accepted. The first way to say conch, and more widely used is, conk. The other pronunciation of conch is conch, where the “ch” are pronounced as they phonetically appear.

How is conch piercing pronounce?

So whoever helped popularize the piercing industry in Japan obviously said conch as in shell. Both of my piercer pronounced it as in conch shell. Like konk.

How do you pronounce conch Reddit?

TIL conch is not pronounced “Con-ch” it’s pronounced with a “K” sound at the end. Phonetically it is: “Conk”. : todayilearned.

Is it pronounced conch shell or conch shell?

In American English, the word is pronounced /kɑntʃ/; in British English, the pronunciation is /kɒŋk/, /kɒn(t)ʃ/. The pronunciation you expected (with the final k, as in /kɒŋk/) is just one of the possible pronunciations, and it is not the pronunciation I hear on Long Island.

