Keith Blanchard Obituary

Keith Blanchard, a Granite High School alumni from Alpine, CA, passed away at 26-years of age.

Keith Blanchard died after a fatal crash on March 26, 2022 in Arizona and officers are currently investigating the case involving the accident of the vehicles.

According to several reports, Keith Blanchard died at the scene after a collision. While the accident is under investigation, the officers have informed the victim’s family.

Keith Blanchard was an alumnus of Granite Hills High, he worked at Otis Elevator San Diego, a company in California, specialized in manufacturing of elevators escalators & moving walkways.

Keith Blanchard also studied at Grossmont College, a public community college in El Cajon, California.

Its name originated with the silent film actor and producer William J. Gross, who was enticed by Ed Fletcher to invest the purchase of land, part of which was called Grossmont.

Keith Blanchard’s Obituary, funeral and life celebration details will be released by his family at the suitable time.

