Nelson Pinder Obituary

Nelson Pinder, known fully as Rev. Canon Nelson W. Pinder, was an American civil rights activist and reverend who was active in the world of activism for over four decades.

Nelson Pinder Obituary

Nelson Pinder died on July 10, 2022, at the age of 89 years and would have been 90 years of age on July 19, 2022. The cause of death and circumstances surrounding the death of Nelson Pinder has not been disclosed to the public.

Nelson Pinder served as the reverend minister of the Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist in Orlando, Florida. Nelson Pinder was very instrumental in his civil rights activism and he helped improve the lives of many individuals in the United States of America.

Nelson Pinder organised a number of racial integration programs to successfully integrate the Africans into the American culture. Nelson Pinder served as one of the members of the Mayor of Orlando Bob Carr’s Biracial Commission.

