Renee Wilson Extreme Makeover Where Are They Now?

Renee Wilson Outrageous Makeover presently resides in a similar house as displayed in the episode. Her grandkids are grown up and chasing after their profession objectives.

Hailing from Long, South Carolina, the Wilson family showed up in the Outrageous Makeover: Home Release, season 4 out of 2007.

Renee Wilson’s home was excessively little for four grandchildren, Hakeem Pearl, Timothy Pearl, RJ Pearl, and Erica Smalls.

While Renee’s girl Mahogony Wilson couldn’t deal with herself, the grandmother went to see her family two times per week and aided her grandkid.

Subsequently, she took care of her little girl’s youngsters. She worked all day since she needed her grandchildren to have a superior life.

Be that as it may, she really wanted a decent house to raise them and needed to give them a superior life and a fair future. She had lived in the trailer for a really long time, yet in the wake of getting a sense of ownership with the children, she stressed more over them.

For this, Outrageous Makeover: Home Version furnished her with a bigger home, jungle gym, ball court, and new bikes for youngsters.

The most notorious makeover series will return on ABC in 2024, where Joanna Teplin and Clea Shearer will help the commendable family that lives in the more prominent Austin, TX region.

Renee Wilson Outrageous Makeover Where Could They Currently be?

RJ Pearl is now studying Culinary Arts at Horry-Georgetown Technical College Workforce Development

— TG Time (@tvguidetime) August 2, 2024

Renee Wilson Outrageous Makeover currently resides in a South Carolina house for every RJ. Wilson family grandkids are getting degrees in their ideal courses.

In 2007, Wilson Family showed up in season four, episode 19, of Outrageous Makeover South Carolina.

Renee Wilson worked at the school cafeteria, so she could scarcely cover her bills, significantly less make fixes. She cherished being a grandma and visiting her grandchildren and watching them develop.

Be that as it may, throughout the long term, she had begun seeing some difficulty in her grandkids’ lives.

Their mom, Mahogony Wilson, was having extreme issues in her own life, and she wasn’t dealing with herself.

They don’t have an extremely durable home. Thus, the children continued to move from one spot to another, which brought about experiencing in school and medical problems.

In the event that child care would have her grandkids, they would have gotten isolated. Thus, she raised her grandkids and got legitimate care of the children.

Outrageous Makeover: Home Version assisted Renee with giving a steady home and a solid spot for her grandkid. Indeed, even they set them up with a house store for certain years.

The new house removed such countless concerns that she carried on her shoulders.

Dissecting Renee’s little girl’s profile, it appears Mahogony is presently working and really focusing on her children.

Subsequent to watching the show, many fans speculated the bigger house was exclusively for the show, as many had lost these homes.

In the interim, RJ answered his grandma, Wilson, actually has the house on Youtube Video.

The Wilson Family Outrageous Makeover Update The Wilson family Outrageous Makeover is chasing after their fantasy profession now. While recording the show, the children were 10, 8, 6, and 5, individually.

Outrageous Makeover: Home Release allow the Wilson family’s grandkids an opportunity to grow up and get an advanced degree to have groups of their own and have an effect in their reality.

In 2007, resigned President Neyle Wilson vowed to give grants to join HCTC to the Wilson grandkids, Hakeem, Timothy, RJ, and Erica.

Hakeem Pearl currently lives in Jacksonville, Florida.

He is the most established child of Mahogony Wilson, born on September 13, 1996. His other name is Keem Pearl.

As per his Facebook profile, he shared a premium in hand to hand fighting, gold, ventures, and vehicle dashing.

Timothy Pearl Outrageous Makeover Timothy Pearl is presently 25 he actually lives in Myrtle Ocean side, South Carolina

Timothy Pearl actually lives in Myrtle Ocean side, South Carolina. He went to Socastee Secondary School.

The second most youthful grandson, Timothy, was born on April 2, 1998. He is presently 25 years of age.

RJ Pearl is learning at the Worldwide Culinary Foundation of Myrtle Ocean side at this point. Later on, his definitive objective is to deal with his eatery.

RJ is the third most established grandson of Renee, born on Walk 24, 2000. He is presently 23 years of age.

In 2019, HCTC gave a full-educational cost grant to Renee’s grandson, Rashaad Juwan ‘RJ’ Pearl.

RJ felt thankful for getting monetary help and a grant. Since the beginning, he put forth an objective to join HGTC to accept his Culinary Expressions degree.

He finished his graduation from Ocean side Secondary School. Subsequently, he began seeking after his fantasies about turning into an expert gourmet specialist.

He began school at Horry-Georgetown Specialized School Labor force Advancement on August 26, 2019.

On June 18, 2020, he began a new position at Anderson Sea Club and Spa in Myrtle Ocean side, South Carolina.

Erica Smalls is currently a YouTuber. She shares video blogs, difficulties, and response recordings on her youtube channel, Existence with E.

Erica is the most youthful granddaughter of Renee, born on September 1, 2001. She is right now 21 years of age.

She lives in Myrtle Ocean side, South Carolina. Like her brothers, she additionally went to Myrtle Ocean side Secondary School.

On September 9, 2020, she refreshed she is seeing someone. Is Outrageous Makeover Home Version Returning 2024? Indeed, Outrageous Makeover Home Version is returning 2024.

The master home coordinators Joanna Teplin and Clea Shearer will have the show.

On June 6, 2024, Clea Shearer declared she and Joanna will be going to be the new has of ABC Organization’s reboot of the makeover series.

The Home Edit partner Joanna Teplin (left) and Clea Shearer (right) will host the new reboot of Extreme Makeover Home Edition this year

— TG Time (@tvguidetime) August 2, 2024

She added it’s the world’s biggest distinction to be important for this notable establishment.

In the series, this master will utilize their abilities to help a family who needs remodel and a steady home.

Joanna and Chea most certainly have a getting sorted out focal point to all that they do, so they will turn the show a tad on its side with what they offer of real value.

Additionally, home developers, project workers, inside fashioners, and volunteers from various urban areas joined to help the couple.

Natalie Boyadjian Boles declared the projecting of families for the arrival of the most famous makeover series on June 8, 2024.

A phenomenal and meriting family that lives in the more noteworthy Austin, TX region that could profit from another home will show up on the show. For the selection, one can apply to the

As per the projecting page, the family ought to be accessible from September 2024 and June 2024.

