Robert Ri’chard Girlfriend Is the Founder Of Elite Performance Medixine(EPM)

Robert Ri’chard is a well-known American television film actor. Cousin Skeeter and Vampire Diaries fans will recognize Robert Ri’chard. Robert is having a great time with his multi-talented girlfriend. He backs her successful business initiative. Robert Ri’chard, star of The Vampire Diaries, is dating! He has long-term relationships with Meg Ellspermann, a successful businesswoman. Ri’chard regards their connection as a partner and is enthusiastic about his girlfriend’s business endeavor.

Robert Ri’chard’s Relationship With His Girlfriend Has Been Going On For A Decade.

Since 2009, Robert Ri’chard has been dating Meg Ellspermann. Meg came to his rescue when Robert was hurt at a boxing gym. Meg applied some medication to Robert’s wound, and he was OK the following day. The pair started dating after she helped him recuperate from his accident. They will have been together for 11 years as of 2020. Their decade-long relationship seems to deepen their closeness as a pair; as seen by her Instagram account, Meg considers Robert her closest friend and colleague.

In August 2019, she praised Robert for being her “number one teammate, coach, and love” in an Instagram photo of the two of them. Given their closeness and deepening affection, it won’t be surprising if they decide to formalize their relationship as husband and wife anytime soon.

EPM was founded by Robert’s microbiologist girlfriend.

While Robert is well-known for his work in Hollywood, Meg is well-known for her contributions to the medical sector. She is a microbiologist as well as a sports massage therapist. She is also a successful businesswoman and the creator of Elite Performance Medixine (EPM). The firm creates therapeutic natural oils for children and adults who are wounded while participating in sports and oils for beauty and first aid.

Robert’s partner is now not just an entrepreneur but also an avid boxer. Interestingly, she got the idea for her healing oil company from her wounds during boxing fights. Being a microbiologist just allowed her to have a better understanding of what she was making. In a February 2020 interview with PopFuzion TV, she said that she founded the company with the purpose of healing herself and others who were hurting from their performances.

Robert Ri’chard Backs His Girlfriend’s Business.

He has been a huge supporter of Meg’s company, EPM. He posts about the firm on his social media accounts on a regular basis. One such case occurred in May 2019, when Robert shared a photo of Meg on Instagram and lauded her as a genius. He went on to express his support for her, noting that he believes in her mission of transcending all suffering and prioritizing the healing of others.

Furthermore, he promoted EPM’s Christmas Sale in December 2020. As a result, Robert Ri’chard totally encourages and supports his girlfriend’s economic enterprise via his social media post. Without a doubt, what he feels for her is more than simply love: he feels pride and admiration for her.

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