What are the conjugations of poner

Table of Contents

What are the 6 conjugations of poner?

  • ponía.
  • tú ponías.
  • él/ella/Ud. ponía.
  • nosotros. poníamos.
  • vosotros. poníais.
  • ellos/ellas/Uds. ponían.

What are the 4 conjugations?

The Present Indicative (amō), showing the Present Stem. The Present Infinitive (amā-re), showing the Present Stem. The Perfect Indicative (amāv-ī), showing the Perfect Stem. The neuter of the Perfect Participle (amāt-um), or, if that form is not in use, the Future Active Participle (amāt-ūrus), showing the Supine Stem.

How do you conjugate poner in the past tense?

For the present tense conjugation, go to Poner Conjugation – Present Tense.

Poner Conjugation: Preterite Tense.

What form of tener is tenemos?

Conjugating Tener in the Present Tense
yo tengoI havenosotros/as tenemos
tú tienesyou (informal) havevosotros/as tenéis
usted/él/ella tieneyou (formal)/he/she hasustedes/ellos/ellas tienen

How do you conjugate Pensar?

Pensar is a Spanish irregular verb meaning to think.

Pensar Conjugation: Present Tense.

What is the root of poner?

The Spanish verb poner comes from Latin posinere: po (out) and sinere (to place). Think of the English word “pose”. From the same root as the Spanish verb poner, we get the words: suppose (suponer)

Is poner irregular verb?

The verb poner is irregular in some forms and tenses.

Is Leer irregular?

Leer is a Spanish verb meaning to read. Leer is conjugated as an irregular verb in the preterite tense. Leer appears on the 100 Most Used Spanish Preterite Tense Verbs Poster as the 17th most used irregular verb. For the present tense conjugation, go to Leer Conjugation – Present Tense.

What is poner in the subjunctive?

Subject PronounsPresent SubjunctiveTranslation
yopongaI put/set
pongasyou put/set
él/ella ustedpongahe/she puts/sets – you (formal) put/set
nosotros/nosotraspongamoswe put/set

