What Do You Think Wackus Bonkus Origin – TikTok Trend Explained

A new day and a TikTok trend, “What Do You Think Wackus Bonkus,” has already taken the spot. Let us learn about this new trend.

TikTok has long been known for its trends, which make it a unique platform for creative and new users. Trends on TikTok are not something that users are talking about right now. There are times when a nice trend emerges on the platform and other times when hilarious things become viral.

Every day, TikTok introduces a new trend. Some trends go viral in specific locations and countries, while others go viral worldwide. Random videos with simple lipsync can drive an audience insane, while some jokes go viral, resulting in the majority of people participating in the trend.

This time, the TikTok user’s attention has been drawn to the trend of comedy and memes. They’re starting a sound trend while captioning it with something amusing. The line from the TV show “Horrible Histories” is taking over TikTok users’ minds, causing a new trend to go viral.

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TikTok: What Do You Think Wackus Bonkus Origin

The dialogue used on the new TikTok Trend “What Do You Think Wakus Bonkus” origin is actually from the TV show Horrible history.

This particular dialogue completely goes like this:

“What Do You Think Wakus Bonkus”

“Kill him”

“Ooo You Naughty Wakus Bonkus”

Wankus bonkus is a hammer-shaped instrument in the show. The show’s character asks the hammer, “What Do You Think Wakus Bonkus?” and then mocks the statement “Kill Him,” which refers to killing the play’s second character. Finally, he concludes the conversation by saying, “Ooo, you naughty Wankus Bonkus.”

Horrible Histories is a television show based on a book of the same name. The series teaches children about historical events while also including blood, combat, and dark comedy.

OOO You Naughty Wackusbonkus Trend Explained

To participate in the recent Trend What Do You Think Wakus Bonkus. One should make the video on the sound, and while posting the video, you can use some caption inside the video to make it sound funny and give it a touch of humor.

Step by step guideline for the new TikTok Trend:

  • Go to the sound of the dialogue What Do You Think Wakus Bonkus.
  • Shoot the lipsync video on the sound by clicking the record button. You can add some nice or funny face filters if you want.
  • Before posting the video, you can add the caption with some sense of humor, making it even funnier to engage more people to watch it.

The line of the show Horrible Histories is making the new trend in TikTok and social media.

