Where Is Nick Vandenberg Idaho Today? Hunter Smith Case Update and More To Follow

Where Is Nick Vandenberg Idaho Today? In 2017, he was responsible for fatally shooting and killing Hunter Smith.

Nick Vandenberg was sentenced to 30 years to life for murdering 18-year-old Hunter Tash Smith.

Nick, a southwestern Idaho resident, fatally shot a hitchhiker Hunter Smith in 2017.

Hunter was hitchhiking from Oregon to Nebraska to start a new job as a manager at Fast Food restaurant when he encountered three individuals.

Smith, an 18-year-old boy, who aspires to be a rapper, was murdered after accepting a ride while hitchhiking.

Vandenberg, alongside Montanna Reed and Willie Rabey, offered the 18-year-old ride and killed him in Idaho.

The culprits first befriended him and invited Smith to shoot guns. On June 22, 2017, then 27-year-old Nick shot the teenager in the face and head at close range, killing him on the spot.

His other two accomplices helped to drag the body into a ditch and burned Hunter’s clothes.

On October 21, 2017, Hunter’s corpse was discovered, and the three culprits were arrested within days.

Nick Vandenberg Idaho Today: Where Is Hunter Smith Murderer Today?

Within days after Hunter Smith’s body was discovered, the murderer Nick Vandenberg, alongside his two accomplices Montanna Reed And Willie Rabey, were arrested.

Two years after the murder, In August 2019, Nick was sentenced to 30 years in prison.

His accomplices, Montanna Reed, received a 15-years sentence. Montanna is eligible for parole after serving five years of her term.

Similarly, Willie got sentenced to 26 years in prison for helping to destroy evidence, accessory to murder, and failure to report the murder.

However, for Vandenberg, he received 30 years sentence and eligibility for parole after serving 30 years.

Then 27-year-old fatally shot Hunter and was charged with first-degree murder.

As of now, Nick is serving his sentence in person alongside the other two culprits.

Nick Vandenberg Wife And Family

Unfortunately, information about Nick Vandenberg’s wife and family is not available.

There isn’t a single news article that has mentioned anything about the culprit’s family background.

Due to a lack of details, we are unable to confirm whether he was married or not.

The only relevant information about Vandenberg available is that he was the residence of Melba, Idaho.

It was in Idaho where Hunter was brutally murdered. All three culprits were natives of Idaho.

The victim, the 18-year-old Hunter Tash Smith, was from a family from Oregon.

