A Twitter client has gotten down on questionable web character Nico “Sneako” in a progression of tweets as of late
She goes by Xena or her handle @xenathewitcher
Sneako has denied having any connection transport with her before
A Twitter client who goes by Xena or her handle @xenathewitcher, has gotten down on questionable web character Nico “Sneako” in a progression of tweets as of late.
Xena took to Twitter to post a few individual DMs traded among her and Sneako and furthermore data about their dating life in the past after the YouTuber denied recognizing she was his previous sweetheart. In a new digital recording, Sneako denied the way that Xena was his ex, alongside a portion of the other claimed ladies who guarantee to have been his sweethearts.
Who is Xena?
Presently much is had some significant awareness of Xena with the exception of the way that her Twitter bio peruses “Sneako” trailed by a disaster emoticon and a white banner emoticon.
In a broad tweet, she said, “Please accept my apologies for that new post. I simply will not get called a liar about being seeing someone I was 100 percent told I was in one from the beginning. Openly and secretly. I was the one mentioning to keep it hidden in light of the fact that I have OF past and didn’t have any desire to discolor anybody’s standing or be annoyed. I won’t do this uncovering s**t yet I won’t be blamed to be ran over and decay for this man to fix his valuable temperance flagging standing. It’s fine that he needs to be consistent with Islam and quit dating since it’s haram. In any case, you don’t need to lie and cause it to appear as though you were never openly guaranteeing me and Sydney(rumblewifey) when you said on numerous occasions on open stages and secretly between us that we were seeing someone.”
😵💫 pic.twitter.com/crAakfWDsi
— xena (@xenathewitcher) July 18, 2024
She then went onto demand Sneako to be a grown-up about the entire circumstance as she realize that separation was inescapable. “I was told to “quit being sensational”. And, surprisingly, guaranteed gifts from Thailand to placate me when I would ‘over respond’ about being crapped on during the Bradley Martin Interview. Continuously told ‘it’s optics. Trust what I’m doing’- and I would. I joyfully acknowledged anything you needed to accomplish for you picture with the commitment that you’d in any case be hanging around for me. I didn’t require public approval,” she composed.
She additionally affirmed that Sneako has not quit drinking liquor or having intercourse beyond marriage like he professed to do as he was not “unadulterated” or “sober.” “You as of late engaged in sexual relations with ‘Miss Political Specialist’ too. Did you wed this non immunized virgin? No. Stop the bulls**t,” she finished up her tweet.
It is muddled who Xena was alluding to when she referenced “Miss Political Specialist.” In a subsequent tweet, Xena said that she was doing whatever it takes not to uncover or criticize Sneako in any case yet just guarding herself against lies. “Every other person will make some noise and safeguard their own convictions and suppositions. I’m constantly told to keep silent and ‘not be seen or heard’- why? F**k that. So you can circumvent saying you never ‘lied or tricked’ me? It’s OK assuming you sold me a fantasy yet speak the truth about that s**t. You say you’re all regarding Reality yet just LIES have come out your mouth. You inoculated asf as well,” she added.
Instagram account.